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Project ICTeens

Being smarter than your smartphone!

In recent years, mobile cellphone has become one of the most commonly used technologies by millions of people around the world every day. The constant evolution of mobile phones in recent years has made this a fundamental part of people's daily lives. Together with the Internet, cellphones have become one of the essential elements for the social life of any person.


One of the main users of this information and communications technology (ICT) is teenagers, who prefer mobile phones as a technological element compared to other elements. Current smartphones are much more than just a phone to call and receive

Currently, the number of cellphone models entering the market is virtually incalculable, making them the most used electronic device in the world, by people from different social strata, genders and ages. According to data from the annual report Mobiel Economy of the GSMA, it is expected that by 2025 there will be about 5.900 million mobile users, equivalent to 71% of the current world population.

calls, they are computers with almost unlimited potential. So it is not just the mobile, but the apps they use and how much time they use it. The American Common Sense entity analyzed that 70% of teenagers use social networks several times a day and, more than half of them say that constantly or at all times– and others for a while sent messages via WhatsApp or Telegram, others watch Instagram, other videos on YouTube or Tik Tok or have Spotify music connected, play, watch Netflix series and similar platforms.


For this reason it is necessary to inform teengers about environmental, social impacts, proper use of the cellphones, among other items of great relevance, in order to promote a conscious consumption and final disposition of the mobile. The idea will be spread through Instagram, social network whose function is to upload photos and videos, which allows to transmit information in a concrete way and with visual impact. 


Cristina Casals

Santiago Enciso

Angélica Oviedo

Angela Celaya

This application is one of the most used social media by teenagers nowadays, so the goal is to gather information like infographies and videos to create a visual impact or share ideas on a better consumption of this technology. 

Through this blog (ICTeens Project), the contents collected have been shared in the ICTeens_UPC Instagram account, where you can find photographs and videos of short duration with information, bright colors and titles that seek to arouse interest in topics such as :e-waste, energy consumption, conflict of minerals, addiction to cellhpone use, accident risks, diseases, health effects, use and proper final disposal of the mobile.

In this way, we also seek to give an example of how the use of technology allows generating positive actions if we have a conscious consumption.

We hope you enjoy it!

-ICTeens Team-


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